Pioneer Greens Blog

More Than a Pretty Face: Unexpected Benefits of a Smile Makeover

October 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:04 pm
woman smiling after a smile makeover in Lincoln

You are sitting in the waiting room of your dentist’s office determined to finally take care of the imperfections in your teeth. You want to have a beautiful smile, but you are not exactly sure what procedures you need. During this consultation, your dentist recommends a smile makeover, which includes multiple different procedures in a customized plan. By the end, they tell you, you will love the way you look! But there are so many more benefits to having a smile makeover in Lincoln than just changing your appearance. Here are just four of them!


What Causes a Dental Bridge to Fail?

September 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:26 pm
An up-close image of a fixed bridge that consists of four fused dental crowns

Have you invested time and money on a tooth replacement solution that is no longer providing the support you need? When a fixed bridge is put into place, it is vital that you take proper care of your oral health and avoid unhealthy habits, as it can lead to more timely and costly procedures to adequately remedy. What can cause dental bridge failure in Lincoln, and what can you do to avoid it? Read on to hear what a local dentist has to say on the topic.


4 Reasons for Virtual Smile Design in Your Consultation

August 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:08 pm
woman smiling at tablet for virtual smile design

While you have been working from home and binge watching Netflix shows for the past several months, you have had a lot of time to think about fixing your teeth. Whether you have cracked, gapped, or discolored teeth, your smile is not what you want, but when you try to make an appointment with your dentist, they recommend using virtual smile design for your consultation. Why, when most businesses and practices have reopened, would they suggest this? Here are some reasons to explain!


Ways to Protect At-Risk Patients in the Dental Office

July 25, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:25 pm
woman with a mask visiting a dentist in Lincoln

Some patients experience normal flu-like symptoms. Others have to be hospitalized and put on a ventilator or even die. The threat of COVID-19 has nearly everyone concerned about their risk of infection, but this disease seems to strike certain populations harder than others. If you have a heart condition, lung condition, weakened immune system, diabetes, kidney or liver disease, your risk of experiencing more severe symptoms is significantly higher. Unfortunately, you can’t simply hide in your house—there are some essential tasks that you must go out to accomplish, such as getting care from your dentist in Lincoln. How can you ensure your safety in these environments? Read on to find out!


How Dental Teams Are Preparing for Your Visit Since COVID-19

July 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:01 pm
dentist in Lincoln dressed for appointment

You carry hand sanitizer and a mask with you whenever you leave the house, which isn’t often these days. In a matter of just a few months, COVID-19 has changed the way you shop, the way you work, and the way you interact with others. However, your need to receive basic dental care remains the same. Although this visit requires close proximity to your dental team, it doesn’t mean that you will be at a higher risk of infection. So how does your dentist in Lincoln prepare for your visit during a global pandemic? Read on to find out!  


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cosmetic Dental Bonding

June 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:34 pm
patient who has had cosmetic dental bonding

As you stare in the mirror at your imperfect teeth, you know you need to do something to improve their appearance. Although professional whitening can brighten your teeth by as many as ten shades, the color of your teeth is not the only problem your teeth have. With small chips and cracks, you require something more—like dental bonding. How do you know whether this treatment is the right choice for you? Is cosmetic dental bonding inferior to porcelain veneers? Read on to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic dental bonding.


4 Tips for Gum Recontouring Aftercare

April 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:40 pm
man smiling with healthy gum recontouring aftercare

You have always had a disproportionate smile between your teeth and gums—you have a “gummy” smile. Then, your dentist tells you about a treatment that can get rid of the excess gum tissue and give you a more balanced look. Through gum recontouring, you can expose more of the tooth enamel and make your teeth appear longer and more visually proportioned. You look forward to the results of this procedure but are a little nervous about what the recovery will be like. In this post you will learn about gum recontouring aftercare and how you can make sure your treatment will be successful and stress free.


4 Tips for Keeping Up with Your Dental Hygiene Through the Quarantine

March 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:40 pm
woman smiling flossing keeping up with dental hygiene through the quarantine

If you are like pretty much every other family in the United States, you are hunkering down inside your home. Whether you are working from home with no commute time or just waiting for the quarantine to end, you have a lot of extra time on your hands, and you see very few people throughout your day. It can be tempting to put aside your normal routines and take it easy. However, one area you should not neglect is your dental health. In this blog post, you’ll learn how simple keeping up with your dental hygiene through the quarantine really is.


5 Causes of Enamel Erosion and What You Can Do to Stop It

November 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:21 pm
woman dental office

You work hard to keep your body strong. Several times a week, you exercise at the gym, and you’re sure to get the appropriate protein that you need to keep yourself fueled and energized. But what about your teeth? You brush your teeth, but that isn’t enough to keep your teeth healthy. Although tooth enamel is the strongest material in your body, it is not indestructible and can become damaged. In this post, you’ll learn about five common causes of enamel erosion and tips that can help you avoid it in the future.


How CBD Oils Can Improve Your Oral Health

November 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — pioneerstaff @ 9:34 pm

You try to take care of your smile by brushing your teeth twice every day with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Although fluoride can certainly reinforce your tooth enamel, many toothpastes can actually impair your oral health and make it easier to get gum disease and other problems. That is where cannabidiol (CBD) can come in and ensure your oral health in the long term. When you hear CBD, you likely think of the cannabis plant, which is used to produce marijuana, but CBD provides benefits for your smile and for your overall well-being without any ill effects. In this blog post, you will learn more about CBD and how it can be used to promote better oral health with your dentist in Lincoln.

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