5 Tips for Helping Your Child Heal from a Tooth Extraction

October 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 12:48 pm
mom hugging daughter

Perhaps that little cavity has developed into a larger, more damaging one. Maybe your child’s baby teeth haven’t come out before the permanent ones have started erupting. In some cases, teens can have impacted wisdom teeth, pushing on the rest. Regardless of the reason, sometimes tooth extraction in kids becomes necessary.

Seeing your precious child experience difficulty and potential discomfort can be hard, but as a parent, you need to be strong to help your child heal properly after a tooth extraction. Here are some ways to guide them through to a smoother recovery.


Smart Sacrifice for Your Smile: Why and How Much Enamel Is Removed for Veneers

October 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:54 pm
closeup of teeth with a color guide in front

Before you sign on the dotted line for anything—even good things like improvements to your smile—you should know exactly what you’re getting yourself into. For instance, did you know that popular veneers require removing a little bit of your teeth’s precious enamel?

But don’t let that scare you! Understanding more about how veneers work, the reasoning behind this removal, and how much enamel is removed can put your mind at ease about getting these remarkable cosmetic enhancements.


Do Veneers Restrict Your Diet?

September 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:02 pm
smiling woman about to eat a taco

If you are like most people, you have your favorite foods—morsels that can change a bad day into a good one and make you feel better. Although you want to correct flaws in your smile with veneers, you do not know if you’ll have to give up your favorites. Well, the good news is that you will probably not have to!

In this blog post, you will learn about eating with veneers, things you should avoid to protect your perfect smile, and what else is required to keep your veneers strong for years to come.


Meet Dr. Stephanie McAndrew!

August 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:17 pm
photo of Dr. McAndrew

At Pioneer Greens Dentistry, we are constantly improving to deliver the best possible care. Recently, Dr. Stephanie McAndrew has come onboard, and we are thrilled to have her. Before you meet her in person, here are some things you should know about her!


Why Not? 4 Reasons Dental Sedation May Not Be Right for You

June 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:17 pm
smiling woman in the dentist’s chair

Cookie-cutter doesn’t work for each person. In fact, when it comes to your dental care, it shouldn’t be anyone’s approach! As a result, not all treatments will be right for you. Dental sedation, for instance, is a great option to make dental appointments easier and better for many patients, but not all. Why would you possibly not make a good candidate for dental sedation? Check out these four reasons!


Get Answers! Ask These 6 Common Dental Sedation Questions

February 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:01 pm
female patient talking to her dentist about dental sedation

If you’re a smart consumer and patient, you do your due diligence before jumping on any bandwagon. You research and you ask the right questions to get to the truth. Well, when it comes to sedation dentistry, there are multiple common questions that most people ask when considering this treatment. Asking your dentist these questions about dental sedation can help you get a better idea of whether it’s a good choice in your case.


Is Dental Sedation Safe for Your Child?

January 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:16 pm
smiling boy with a nasal mask on his face

As a responsible, loving parent, you worry about your child’s safety. You do your best to keep them out of harm’s way whenever possible and are cautious about what goes into their body. When your child experiences dental anxiety, you naturally hesitate to turn to dental sedation like nitrous oxide because you wonder whether it’s safe for their little body.

Talking to your family dentist about your concerns can answer many of the questions you may have, such as the following.


Dental Sedation and Pregnancy: What’s Safe for You and Your Baby?

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:52 pm
pregnant patient being treated at the dentist’s office

Parenthood requires sacrifice, especially from mothers. For nine months, you must take extra care of your body to help the baby grow. While you’re pregnant, you must stay away from sushi, alcohol, smoking, deli meats, and many other foods that could harm the developing baby. You also must steer clear of potentially risky activities. It may seem restrictive, but it’s a small price to pay to give your baby a healthy start.

When it comes to your dental health during pregnancy, you may wonder what is and isn’t allowed. Can your dentist see you while you’re expecting? Is it safe to have a cavity treated? Can you get dental sedation during pregnancy?


Paying for Dental Implants: Insurance and Other Affordability Options

October 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:41 pm
dental implant in front of a pile of money

To replace your missing teeth, you want prosthetics that look and feel just like real teeth. You won’t accept sub-par quality—you want dental implants. But then, you see how expensive they can be. Hold on! Don’t let your initial sticker shock deter you from having a complete smile you deserve. Your dentist can provide affordable options for this cutting-edge treatment.

Does dental insurance lower the cost? What are these other ways your dentist can make this replacement option financially feasible? Find out by reading the content below!


Answers to 4 Questions about What to Expect After a Root Canal

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:38 pm
woman relaxing on the couch

You just had root canal treatment. The hardest part is over, but as you go home, you may have some questions about the aftermath. Here are the most common questions about recovering from a root canal and answers that can help you know what to expect, relax, and avoid unpleasant complications.

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