All-on-4 – Lincoln, NE

Permanent Teeth in One Day

Did you know that we can replace your missing teeth without having to address each individual tooth? Are you aware that there is another permanent replacement option available for those who cannot get traditional dental implants? If you’ve lost all your natural teeth, All-on-4 in Lincoln could be the solution you need to have a complete smile again. Our team at Pioneer Greens Dentistry is proud to offer this treatment and invites you to schedule a consultation to learn more about the difference All-on-4 can make for you!

How Do All-on-4 Dental Implants Work?

Like traditional implants, All-on-4 implants are grounded in the jawbone; however, this solution uses the densest part of the jawbone near the front of the mouth to anchor the two posterior implants. They are positioned at a 45-degree angle, reducing the need for bone grafting. Over time, the implant posts stimulate new jawbone growth, giving the prosthetic teeth stability and strength. After the implant posts are placed, we then attach the abutments and the full denture, completing your smile.

Am I a Candidate For All-on-4 Dental Implants?

If you have suffered total tooth loss and have been told you are not a good candidate for traditional implants, you likely qualify for All-on-4. Because these implants depend on a stronger part of the jawbone, they are available to those who otherwise would not be able to get dental implants without a bone graft. However, you still need to be in good health generally and make the commitment that you will maintain healthy oral habits (e.g., no smoking, good oral hygiene) to prevent implant failure.

Benefits of All-on-4 Dental Implants

Compared to other tooth replacement options, All-on-4 treatment offers these distinct benefits:

  • You do not have to wait for your replacement teeth. They are restored on the same day as the implant placement.
  • All-on-4 provides the necessary support for a stronger bite and chewing ability.
  • These implants reinforce the jawbone, stopping deterioration that naturally occurs over time.
  • Unlike traditional dentures, the prosthetic teeth are basically permanent and will feel